God's Other Ways

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The beginning of a new school year means it’s also a new year for the thousands of Good News Clubs across America and around the world.

Good News Clubs meet once a week after school in elementary school settings for children first through fifth grade by arrangements made with the local school district and the individual school.  

In one of the clubs, a ten year old girl (we’ll call her Laurie) in fourth grade did what Christian adults in most of the United States hesitate to do. She proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to her teacher and classmates. Here is how it happened! 

An assignment was given by her teacher for each student to present to the class an explanation about a topic others might not know about. One of the Muslim children in the class gave a lengthy presentation about the Muslim religion. 

So Laurie and a friend in the class asked the teacher if they too could work together on the assignment and give a presentation and tell the class about Christianity. The teacher gave them permission.

Strengthened by her Christian faith, her home and church training as well as what she experienced in her Good News Club, she and her friend produced a Power Point presentation with informative and descriptive displays and used it to tell the class about the Gospel and how Christianity can change lives. Of course, at the same time, they were also witnessing to both the teacher and the students! 

The Good News Clubs present a fast-paced, one-hour after school program that is designed to present the Gospel to children on their level of understanding in an environment that is familiar to them.  

Attendance is not only voluntary but parents must give their permission and support. The people who teach and work with the children are carefully-screened volunteer adults. No school supplies or staff members are used for the club. The Good News Clubs are allowed in school buildings because of a ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court.

CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship), sponsor of the Good News Clubs, is a worldwide organization that is dedicated to seeing every child reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, discipled and established in a local church.

In addition to the Good News Clubs, CEF also has a summer ministry called the 5-Day Club and it has fair, camping, open-air, and internet ministries for children. Last year, through these combined ministries, over 25.4 million children worldwide heard the Good News.

You can learn more at their website: www.cefonline.com

The Bible says, “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. -Luke 18:16